viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2006

" Past simple Tense"


Exercise 2:

Fill en the blanks whit the verb in brackets in the negative past simple form.

1.- Dad ( make) Did not make dinner last night.

2.- Anne (write) ........................ to aunt Maggie last week.

3.- We ( spend) ......................... last summer in Tongoy.

4.- She (buy) ............................. that dress yesterday.

" affirmate , negative , interrogative"

For example :
I wanted
you wanted
he/she/It wanted..etc
I did not want
You did not want.. etc.
Did I want?
Did you want? .. etc.

" Regular Verbs"

For example:
Study : studied.
Examples :

- Yo tenía 3 años yo estaba en el Colegio.

I was three years, I was at school.

- Yo vivía con mi mamá y mi papá.

I lived whit my parents.

- Yo jugaba con mi perro y era muy feliz.

I played whit my dog , I was very happy.

" Irregular Verbs"

Entonces en español diremos que los verbos irregulares son aquellos que cambian totalmente y a los cuales no se les agrega "ed".

" Peter"

Mark the correct letter

Peter found the :
a) books.
b) gold coins.
c) ballons.

Peter was a :

A) very rich.
b) very poor.
c) very beautiful.

The boy have :

a) four brothers
b) two brothers.
c) five brothers.